Before investing time and resources into building a product, you need to validate whether your idea addresses a real, urgent problem within the market. This template will guide you through systematically testing your assumptions, gathering real-world insights, and refining your idea before moving forward.
Use this worksheet to assess problem relevance, market demand, and early signals that indicate whether your idea is worth pursuing.
🔍 Problem Discovery & Market Fit
- What problem are you solving?
- Who is experiencing this problem? (Define target market, customer personas, etc.)
- How frequently do they experience this problem? (Daily, Weekly, Occasionally, One-time issue?)
- What are the current workarounds or alternatives?
- How painful is this problem on a scale from 1-10?
- What is the impact of this problem on customers (financial, time, efficiency, productivity, etc.)?
📢 Market Demand Research
- Have you conducted market research? (Yes/No)
- Are people actively searching for solutions to this problem? (Google Trends, SEO research, forum discussions, etc.)
- How many competitors exist in this space?
- What gaps do competitors leave unaddressed?
- Has this problem been validated in similar markets?
- Are there industry reports or trends supporting demand for a solution?
Research Source |
Key Insights |