
Your messaging and positioning define how your startup communicates its value, impact, and differentiation to the world. This document will help you craft a clear, compelling, and consistent messaging framework that resonates with your audience.

Use this template to create an aligned messaging strategy that you can use across marketing, sales, and investor conversations.

1️⃣ One-Liner Pitch

A concise statement that explains what your startup does in a single sentence.

Formula: "[Startup Name] helps [target audience] solve [problem] by [solution]."

📌 Example: "Zoom helps businesses and individuals communicate seamlessly with reliable video conferencing."

Your One-Liner: ___________________________________________________________

2️⃣ Elevator Pitch

A short, compelling pitch that explains your startup in 30 seconds (2-3 sentences).

📌 Structure:

  1. Problem: What’s the key pain point?
  2. Solution: How do you solve it?
  3. Impact: Why does this matter?

📌 Example: "Hiring technical talent is slow and expensive for startups. Talynt connects vetted engineers with startups through an AI-driven matching system, reducing hiring time by 70%."

Your Elevator Pitch: ___________________________________________________________

3️⃣ Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) Messaging